Why does potty training have to be so difficult?? It feels like all of Nolans cousins his age and younger than him are potty trained.... so I started feeling the pressure. about a month ago I decided that we were going to try. I had to come to a place where I KNEW I could handle it and NEVER be mad or sad at him for having an accident. After everything I went through to give him a natural trauma free birth I refused to traumatize him through potty training lol. So I just let him be naked for about two weeks. We have hardly no carpet so it worked out great. For two weeks he would always pee in his little potty but doodles were another story.... he would usually drop those under the table haha. One time he squeezed between the futon and the wall and unfortunatley one of his books was in the line of fire.....

This seemed to have an impact on him. for the next two days he did all of his poopers on the potty!! I was so excited and thought that he was trained but alas..... we went on a trip that weekend and of course had diapers on him because we were staying in a hotel and when we got home he wanted nothing to do with the potty. He was doodling and peeing all over the house and becoming angry when I would mention the potty..... sigh. So I decided he wasn't' ready and now he is in diapers again. : ( The important thing to me was that he was never traumatized from the experience. It was always very positive so hopefully when we try again he will remember and it will go quickly... hey positive thinking never hurts