Who likes to move? No one I know!!! We ended up selling a TON of our junk that has accumulated over the past years which felt very nice. Whats funny is people actually bought most of it!!! Stuff that I didn't think we would ever sell. So by the end of all of our craigslisting and yardsailing we only had a few boxes of stuff for D.I. I was procrastinating us moving but Joe cracked the whip and finally set a date. I'm glad we waited though because I was able to spend a whole week with my Grandparents from Washington. Although now were only a twelve hour drive away so I think a visit is in order. Maybe for my cousins wedding in August!
Two of Joe's friends came to help us move and we are so so grateful to them because there was no way we could have done it alone! We ended up using a 22 foot Penske diesel and it was completely full by the time we finished!! We had to really shove our mattress in at the end so I am so thankful we didn't end up using the 16 footer we had originally booked. That would have been a nightmare getting it half way loaded then realizing we didn't have nearly enough room!
So our journey began. We were loaded up in the cab of the truck (which Nolan loved) with snacks and drinks at our feet. About two hours down the road Joe noticed in his mirror that the front tire on the trailer was flat! So we stopped at the nearest gas station and filled her up. Within twenty minutes of driving it was flat again so we called Penske and they send a service guy to come fix it. I was really impressed that they were there so fast and got it all taken care of so quickly. We were only pulled over for a total of about an hour! We got some cute pictures to document our journey....

The sky was so stunning!
That night we decided to stop in Laughlaun because their Hotels were so cheep. We stayed at Harrah's for only 25 bucks! They even gave us a free buffet pass so we had an awesome dinner. After a good nights sleep we were on the road again. Joe did all the driving (I think he was scared of me driving) which is totally fine because I was actually really scared of driving too! We got to Mom and Dads around five on Friday night. We unloaded our suitcases and mattress and slept. The next morning some awesome men (including the bishop who lives a few doors down from us) came and helped us move into the house. It didn't take very long but we were so grateful for the help. I didn't have to move a single box! Then Christie and Sean (Joe's sister and her hubby) helped us unpack a bunch of stuff. They even hung all of my clothes!
We have been here in Utah for a week and are really loving it. We left our rundown old townhouse in a not so good area and now were here in a great neighborhood with snowy mountain peeks behind us. Nolan has an awesome park down the street and a big backyard to play in. We are so thankful to be here during this time. Mom and Dad Hartzell are taking very good care of us and have given us three whole bedrooms to occupy while were here! We feel so blessed right now!
There was a big snow last week! It was so beautiful! Being an AZ native it will defintely take some time getting used to seeing it snow! I'm not a big fan of the cold but it was just so beautiful I couldn't be grumpy about it! And I couldn't believe how fast it melted!!! Just two good days of sun and it was gone!

This is the view from the back porch!! So stunning
(Omit power lines :)