It was such an awesome event to see my sweet husband bless our new baby girl Shyloh. She was quiet through the entire blessing and when Joe finished he looked down and she was just gazing up at him. He came back to his seat with tears in his eyes. It was precious and an experience I will always cherish!
Than it was Nolans turn. We did his blessing after church A member of the bishopric came over and we sat Nolan on a chair. He looked so handsome with his hair combed to one side and his crisp white shirt and tie. Joe started the blessing then suddenly Nolan decided he didn't want to sit with everyone one touching his head so he slid out of the circle and began to walk away. With a swift evasive maneuver I grabbed him and wiggled into the circle with him held tightly on my lap. It was cool to be in there with him while his daddy blessed him. The spirit was so strong with my sweet little boy on my lap and all the priesthood power around us.
This was the gang who was able to come for the blessing and after party....
From left to right.... Pat Hartzell, Joe Hartzell, Nolan Hartzell, Rebekah Smith, Sorin Smith, Taylor Smith Dianne Smith, Shanna Hartzell holding Shyloh Hartzell, Edison Dean, Lucas Boyles, Abby Boyles, Sean Boyles, Shelley Dean, Christie Boyles, Stewart Dean, Lois Bird and Jim Hartzell.
We had LOTS of fabulous food!!! Turkey dinner and whole wheat cinnamon rolls! Yummy |
Me and my sister Bekah Smith |
Shyloh with her Grandma Smith |
Bekah, Sorin, Taylor and I making goofy faces! |
Aunt Christie and Grandma Hartzell |
Shyloh with her Grandad Hartzell |
Getting Kisses from her cousin Stewart. So cute! |