Halloween was awesome this year. By far Nolans best Halloween EVER. Last year he was sick (threw up on daddy and didn't even get any candy) So this year I was determined that he recieve the whole halloween experience. So we started the festivities with a trip to the pumpkin patch (which I forgot my camera.. doy) It was freezing and Nolan only wanted a tiny little pumpkin but we had fun walking around looking at pumpkins and he would hold my hand when it was hard to walk through the dirt.. The carving festival took place the Thursday before Halloween. (although all Nolan wanted to do was eat cereal :) This year I had prepped him. I had him wear his costume and I practices opening the door so he could say trick or treat with his bucket then I would drop a candy in. He was starting to get excited!
Mine is on the left and Joes on the left |
For trick or treating we went to Christie and Shawns house. In their neighborhood the houses are spaced very close together so its perfect for trick or treating! Uncle Shawn painted Nolans face to look like a tiger! He did a really good job and Nolan was so cute!
Lucas and Abby were a bit faster than Nolan. He has little legs and insn't used to running in the rain or in costume. They would usually get to the door before him. Sometimes he would run off after them and forget to get his candy! It was really cute. After every house for the first ten houses he would show us his bucket on his way to the next house and say "I have candy"!!! Like he couldn't believe people were just giving him candy. Too cute. At one house Abby proclaimed that she was a witch and then the candy giver says to Nolan, what are you? and Nolan replies cheerily... I'm a Nolan! It was one of the cutest things I have ever heard! He was just so adorable running from house to house.
Lucas (a dragon) Abby (a cute witch) and Nolan's a tiger |
After that we went to a haunted house. It was super spooky and lots of fun!
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