Shyloh broke out in a nasty case of acne! (see picture below) It was really bad. It started with just a few little bumps on her cheek to full blown pizza face within a few days. It was really sad. Her skin was so dark and flawless. I googled it and read that it's caused by hormones that the baby receives from the mother at the time of birth. So I jumped on facebook and made an announcement (mostly just to get sympathy) and one of my friends suggested to give Shyloh an oatmeal face mask. It sounded yummy so I gave it a try. I just ground up rolled oats and added water until it became a past then applied. It smelt yummy and looked soothing. I did this a few times and its already looking better. She was such a trooper. Even with this hard crusty stuff drying on her face she never made a peep. I think she just loves the bath that much or maybe its just her angel personality. She is such a good baby and Nolan still adores her!
On a side note: the cloth diapers are working great!!! They are not nearly as much work as I thought they would be. Just a few more loads of laundry a week. Now that she has put on some weight we aren't having hardly any leaks now. I wish I would have used cloth on Nolan.... Oh well. I am making him some cloth pull-ups though : )
Soothing homemade oatmeal mask

Who can resist that face?

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