I am so pleased and proud to announce that my sweet husband Joe, received the Melchizedek priesthood today! I am so very proud of him! How special it was that Joe's father was able to perform the ordinance. It was very beautiful. Moving in with Joe's folks has been such a blessing for us, we once again have the spirit in our family and our home. We started going to church with them when we moved in and now we have been called to be primary teachers for the CTR 6 class. We have changed our lives for the better and I am excited for what lies in store for us! I can see patriarchal blessings and the temple in our futures! I am so thankful right now for family and the examples they have been for us. Joe's parents have taken us in without thinking twice. They have showed us so much kindness and have pointed our spirituality back in the right direction. We are no longer stuck in limbo but moving forward.
Joe will be blessing our sweet baby girl this next fast Sunday... September 5th. I can't wait to see him holding her in a beautiful white blessing dress using his priesthood power to give her a blessing. I get teary just thinking about it! How blessed I am
Congrats, congrats, congrats. I can't even describe how happy and proud I am of Joe and the journey you guys have taken. I know you will be so happy and I'm excited to try to be there for all your future blessings. We sure love you and hope to see you soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited Shanna! Congratulations! I wish I could be there with you to celebrate! This will be a huge blessing in your special family. Just think, when you or the babies are feeling sick, you can try all your herbal remedies and then Joe can give them a blessing! Or if your feeling overwhelmed and you just need a blessing of comfort, Joe can be there for you and give you that blessing! And Shanna, your patriarchal blessing will guide you through the rest of your life and the eternities! Giving you comfort and blessings to look forward to. I love my blessing and I try to read it at least every fast Sunday. It's a great way to make sure your reading it regularly. Sometime we'll have to get together and read our blessings to each other. I love you Shanna! I'm so happy for you!