Shyloh is not a bink baby like Nolan was. At three weeks old Nolan latched onto his binky and didn't let go until he was about two. Little miss Shyloh on the other hand wants absolutely nothing to do with it. Around two monts old I offered it to her and she actually gagged on it. then a few weeks later I tried again and she gave me this very disgusted look and just tried to push it out of her mouth with her tongue.... She's stubborn already! I have only tried giving it to her when she's hurting or upset... I don't want another bink addiction on my hands!
Now let me get to my story... the other night jsut as She was dozing off Joe got her to take the bink.... I walked in and it was totally like dejavu! It was suddenly like no time had gone by and my little tiny Nolan was laying there on my bed. I started to teer up a little and promptly went to find some baby photos of my little man. I just can't believe my baby is going to be four next month! Time has slipped right through my fingers. Sometimes I forget to be the best mommy I can and I just do the bare minimum but moments like these pull me back to reality and remind me to cherish every moment.

Oh my goodness Nolan is absolutely precious! That is how I totally remember him! Your so right about Shyloh though, looking through all of Bekah's photos there was one picture in particular where Shyloh looked almost exactly like Nolan when he was a baby. You can definitely tell they are brother and sister. Gosh Shyloh looks so peaceful, she is soooo soooo sweet! I can't wait to see her again! and I can't wait to have a little baby of my own! A little over a month to go!
ReplyDeleteWe were looking at pics and videos of Sky when he was little and it made me tear up a little too. He has changed sooo much, I forgot how adorable and cute he was! His cute little baby voice and his signs. Kayala's not even a baby anymore and now I'm on number 3. Crazy how time goes and how much I forget! It makes me want to document so much better!