Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We have a kindergartener!

Our eldest son Nolan started Kindergarten this year. He is doing very well! The first week was a little rough.  He didn't want me to leave him at first.  Now though, I just walk him to the gate and he goes by himself to class!  His teacher tells me he is good on most days but every now and then he likes making noises like he's blowing something up and has trouble fallowing directions but he is a little boy so I think he is doing really well all things considered!  We have little rewards at home to motivate him to mind his teacher and do his homework. All in all I am really happy with him.  He seams to be ahead of the curriculum already and I am continuing to do some work at home with him as well.  We leave to live with Helena in 6 weeks (October 3rd) and his teacher recommended I just do work with him at home during his absence from school. We will be there with her until I birth these two beans. 

 I was just looking through Nolans baby and toddler pictures the other day and I cannot believe how much he has grown!  Nolan is a sweet boy with a big heart but he knows how to push my buttons at times!  His favorite activity of late is pestering his sister which mainly consists of taking which ever toy she is in possession of at the time. Her retaliatory screams may have caused me permanent hearing damage.  I guess he's just giving her a tougher skin which isn't so bad in this day and age. Were working with him to be a bit nicer to his sister and it seams that he is indeed being a bit sweeter and helps her with different things.  Currently his favorite color is blue and he is really into My Little Pony for some reason. I'm sure I can black male him with that one later ;)  It works though because Shyloh likes it too.  He also has a great memory and a good imagination.  He likes to rein-act t.v shows or movies that he has seen recently and its amazing to me how well he remembers things.  There are times where he will repeat word for word a few lines in a movie after only seeing it once! I am so grateful so far to see that he has has inherited his daddies brains and not mine!

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